Wrapped in the Arms of Love

Hey y’all, I’m always trying to describe how I came to be head over heels in love with the Word. It’s not a relationship that happened overnight and it did NOT happen just because I decided to follow Jesus. On the contrary, I spent years as a follower of Christ wondering what in the world was wrong with me. I remember trying to get up in the mornings’ wee hours to read my Bible while the kids were still sleeping, only to nod off and drool on the pages.  Not exactly Bible scholar memories, there.

But,  here’s the thing. I wanted to want to study God’s word, and so I persevered. And slowly, over time, something incredibly wonderful began to happen. The more I fed on it, the more I hungered for it. Today, His word has indeed become my daily bread.  Even now, my own words of testimony continue to fail me as I struggle to explain what my heart knows so well, and so I turn, as usual, to His.  John 1:1 reads, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  Perfect.

The Living Word takes His written word and corrects me. He takes His word and leads me. He takes His word and comforts me, wrapping Himself around me and holding me tight, His words a whisper in my heart… 

So, tell me, what does God’s word mean to you?

Hugs, Shellie

P.S. I found this most wonderful picture online. It was being used in a common advertisement, but it depicts my feelings perfectly. If I could’ve found the source, I would have gladly given attribution to the artist.


  • Janice C Armstrong
    October 1, 2011

    I feel this same way. In the past I felt like the Bible was words that I was suppose to understand and enjoy reading but I was struggling. I asked God to help me to begin to read His Word and begin to understand and enjoy. This picture is how I now feel as I read God’s Word. Thank you.

  • June 5, 2011

    You are most welcome, Julie! I enjoyed your response. 🙂

  • June 5, 2011

    You have captured so many of my own feelings. The Word of God is a Love Letter. It always reminds me that He has loved me with an everlasting love and inspires me to love others as He loves me. Thanks for the reminder, Shellie~!

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