What I heard

And Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God? Believe also in me.”

And I hear:  We can not wrap our minds around God and our faith suffers for it unless we learn to wrap our reaching hearts around Jesus, the hope of glory!  Believing in God way up there doesn’t comfort the troubled heart. Believing He sent his only begotten Son out of His great love for us, to redeem us, to walk with us in this hard world and bring us home. This comforts. This encourages us. This strengthens us to press on. 

Jesus is the revealed concentration of our faith in God. Gaze at Jesus and see God! Know Jesus and know God. To be enamored of Jesus is not to slight God; it is to saturate ourselves in the One who is the very image of our invisible God. Christ consciousness strengthens weak faith and causes waning faith to burn with new zeal.

Hugs, Shellie

So, I just had to get that said this morning. 🙂 Have a great day! Check back in a bit for more on 30 Days of Thankfulness and today’s radio show, ATS LIVE!





  • November 5, 2012

    Amen! Christ is the visible image of the invisible God – Col 1:15 Thanks for sharing 🙂

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