Warped Humor Warning!

Hello folks, let’s chat… Forgive me if I ramble more than usual. I just read a startling headline: “Warped sense of humor could be sign of impending dementia”.


I’d like to think my humor is simply unique, but I’ll admit there could be cause for concern here. Why, just yesterday I saw a faded group school picture on Facebook. The poster said, “Tag yourself and your friends.” I resisted a strong urge to tag my name to the photo of a complete stranger, solely for the fun of it. (Well, they asked!)

And then there’s that last minute minion birthday party for two I put on last weekend for my 55 year-old BFF, complete with minion glasses, wristbands, balloons, tablecloth, banner, plates (topped with flaming breakfast muffins), and minion cups brimming with Hydroxycut punch! Yeah, that punch thing might need some back story. But first, the party pics.



And, of course, there’s always the after party, party pic.


And now, about that Hydroxycut punch…

It began a couple weeks ago when Red and I discovered Drinkable Apple Pie at Starbucks. Ok, they call it Caramel Apple Spice Tea, but trust me. It’s pie in a mug! Red and I had not one but two slices apiece that afternoon. Immediately afterwards yours truly here whipped out a small package and began pouring it into my water bottle.

“What are you doing?” Rhonda asked. I told her I was thirsty and I was adding Hydroxycut to my water to help me lose weight. (Side note, Rhonda and I are always losing weight. We’ve lost something like 500 pounds collectively over the years. If you do the math, that’s like thirteen super models between us.)

Rhonda found it hysterical that I was turning to Hydroxycut immediately after consuming two drinkable apple pies, which we estimate to have 157 sugars and 24,500 calories. “Hydroxycut, “she said. “And how’s that working for you?”

We’re now able to crack ourselves up just by saying Hydroxycut. I’m glad Red gets me but I can see where others might describe our type of humor as warped. And now they tell us it’s a sign of impending dementia?

I don’t know whether to laugh, cry, or quit tagging pictures of strangers on Facebook. What were we talking about again?

Hugs, Shellie



  • Jan F
    December 7, 2015

    hahahahaha. Thanks for a good ole big belly laugh!

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