The Tale of Mrs. Forgetful and Doctor Do Right

I have a poor track record where taking medicine is concerned. It’s a personal failing that should in no way be laid at the feet of the medical community. Many a good doctor has tried to reform me, bless their collective hearts, with little success. Before we go any further, let it be noted that there have been at least two exceptions to this rule. That would be Jessica and Phillip. My medical misses did not apply to my offspring.

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Back in the day, when it came time to administer meds to my kids, Mrs. Forgetful here turned into Doctor Do Right, seeing to it that they got every dose, capsule, or vitamin prescribed. Indeed, the issue has always been one of me doctoring me. I know I should take the full round of prescribed antibiotics lest I invite a relapse, and I always intend to comply, but once I start seeing improvements I’m prone to tapering off on the dosage.

Do you think my diligence in doling out my kids’ prescriptions leaves me without excuse in my own hit and miss habit? I do, but I’m willing to bring it up anyway because I see a teachable moment for all of us who have a heart to follow Christ. As believers, we can fall victim to a similar mentality. I’ll explain.

We’ll run to Jesus like the sin-sick folks we are, filling our minds with His loving promises because they fall like balm on our aching souls. Only, once we start “doing better” (for lack of a better description), we tend to taper off, unintentionally perhaps, unconsciously maybe, but the consequences are the same. Slowly, our thoughts turn less and less to Christ and more and more to the daily demands of what we call the real world. Can you say relapse? Our greatest strength lies in knowing that we need Jesus today as much as we needed Him yesterday. We have no stores of grace in us. Our life is in Him. In Him alone are we whole.

The strongest believers become increasingly more dependent on Jesus, not less.

Hugs, Shellie