Sue Me, I Fidget

As long as I can remember people have been telling me to “get still”. If I wasn’t wiggling too much in church, I was squirming too much in class. So, I fidget. (I was about to say “sue me” but I stopped myself. Someone might decide to take me up on it and who knows where that could go. We’ve all seen those strange but true verdicts.) As the saying, goes, if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me to “get still”, I’d be a rich woman. That’s not to say that everyone asked. Some of ‘em threatened. I’m looking at you, Mama. You, too, Papa.

Bless my darling husband’s heart, he’s not a fan of the incessant motion either but he’s learned to put up with the fidgeting. For the most part. That’s okay. I’m not a fan of the “be still” request, for the most part. I do, however, have one exceptional exception.

I’ve learned to relish God’s words from Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”



The discipline of prayer has become life to me. And don’t let anyone ever tell you that it doesn’t begin as a discipline. I’ve grown to love placing myself before the Good Lord first thing every morning. Does it take me a little time to quit wiggling, quiet my thoughts, and settle in before Him? Absolutely, but nothing compares to started a day with the One who made it. If you don’t know that thrill, there’s only one thing left for me to say, “Be still.”