Stirred by Glory

The other morning, while simultaneously blow-drying my hair and doing lunges on my total gym, (What? Is that unusual?) I caught a televised segment of one of my favorite ministries during which one of my favorite Christian recording artists sang one of my favorite worship songs. Perhaps you’ve picked up on a theme already, but I’ll spell it out for anyone who may have been driving, texting, or taking a phone call. Lord knows I hope you weren’t doing all three, but I digress. My point is that I was big time into the show’s song and theme—Jesus, the One and Only.

I had plenty of company in my appreciation, too. Several times the camera paused on a lady whose head was slightly bowed, but not so much that you couldn’t see the emotion gripping her heart. At the close of the song the lady made a move to rise to her feet in what I can only imagine was to have been a heartfelt ovation to the songstress or a loving act of devotion to her God. We’ll never know. As quickly as she began to rise, she realized that no one else was moving, and she froze in her seat.

Oh, come on, I’ve done it and chances are you have, too. Some of us are comfortable keeping the beat with our hands and our feet. Others prefer a more restrained sense of worship that may include smiling and nodding appreciatively. Either works for me. As a matter of fact, you’ll find me doing some of each. What shouldn’t work for any of us is holding back in the worship we offer the King because of what someone else may or may not be doing or thinking. When our souls are stirred by His glory and everything in us needs to praise, let’s offer it unabashedly. Even if, or maybe precisely because the world is watching. He is worthy, after all!
