Shellie Takes It Easy on Plunger Man

Hello folks, thanks for dropping by. Make yourselves at home and let’s chat…~smile~

I heard the briefest report on the radio about an average looking fellow who tried to rob a bank in NYC with a toilet bowl plunger. I didn’t get the full story and I haven’t had time to follow up on it, but I have developed a theory on the incident without using any facts. I do that a lot, weaving stories out of thin air. I’m thinking it may prepare me for a career in politics or as a talking head in the twenty-four hour news business, should this gig ever play out. Now, I’ll get to my theory, but first, the story that led to it.

I’d just finished cleaning up the kitchen after a marathon cooking session and was headed through the back foyer towards the laundry room when I stepped into the ankle deep water. Oh, joy—the toilet in the nearby bathroom was trying to flood the place, again. It does that occasionally in this fine old house, thanks to some subpar 1940’s plumbing. When my late mother-in-law lived here, and the men were out of pocket on the farm, she called #911 Shellie when the dams burst. To my credit, I resisted the urge to phone Carey. I figure this is one tradition that should stop with me.

But, here’s the thing. The freshness of that experience has contributed to my developing theory on Plunger Man’s motivation. Perhaps he was fed up with his own plumbing issues. Maybe he was flat out desperate for boatloads of money to rip it all out and start over! Maybe he thought to himself, “I’d go to any lengths to avoid cleaning this up again. Why, I would even rob a bank!” It’s possible that this is when he got confused as to whether guns kill people or people kill people and he didn’t want to risk accidentally hurting anyone, so he just went with what he had, y’all.

Far be it from me to sanction criminal behavior, but should Plunger Man plea temporary insanity a part of me could understand. I’m about one cleanup away from it myself.
