Sarah and Her New BFF

The beloved hubby and I just returned from Houston, TX, where we enjoyed watching our oldest grandson, The All Things Southern Beau Czar, play in his Saturday morning soccer game. As an extra bonus, Grant Thomas even scored a goal that morning. I may have cheered loudly and I may have taken one or ten thousand pictures. Now, I’ll be honest with y’all. This sports loving, ex basketball coach doesn’t know diddly about soccer, not yet. But if Grant keeps playing it, I can guarantee you that I will get up to speed. I’m just saying that I won’t be like the woman in today’s chuckle. Sarah has always been a sensitive soul. She recently graduated from college and considered herself fortunate to find a job in her field as an elementary school counselor. When it came time for her first playground duty, Sarah approached the responsibility seriously. Recess had barely begun when she noticed a girl standing by herself while the rest of the kids seem to be enjoying a soccer game at the other end of the playground. Sarah approached the small child and asked her if she was all right. “Yes ma’am,” the girl replied. Sarah hesitated. She wasn’t so sure, but she still had a round to make through the playground to check on the other kids, so she moved on. She made a big circle through the yards and upon her return she found the little girl still standing alone in the same spot. Somewhat concerned, Sarah approached her and gently asked, “Would you like me to be your friend?” The girl shrugged. “I guess so.”

Sarah was encouraged. She stood there quietly a moment and then she spoke up again. “So, tell me,” she said. “That is, if you want to talk about it. Why are you standing here all alone?” “Because,” the child said with obvious frustration, “I am the goalie!”