Ruthie Thinks It Through

Hey, y’all! Good to see everyone back by the porch. Have a seat, and let’s chat…~smile~

My niece is a college graduate making her way through pharmacy school. In other words, the girl has some book smarts. Ruthie, whom I like to call Sunshine, is also blond and, by her own admission, easily confused. Ruthie has authorized the disclosure of the following story and the use of her given name. The fine policemen involved shall not be identified because Ruthie doesn’t need any more trouble with the law and I don’t want this to come back and bite me either.

One fine day, not long passed, Ruthie was pulled over for speeding. When the officer reached her car door, Ruthie totally lost her composure and it was no act. Through dramatic tears Ruthie began apologizing profusely as she detailed her troubles that included, but was not limited to, holiday stress and final exams. Apparently, our damsel’s distress touched a soft spot.

“Lookahere,” the officer said. “I’ll just give you a seatbelt ticket.”
“But, I was wearing my seatbelt!” Ruthie wailed.
The officer paused. “Um, no, you weren’t wearing your seatbelt, right?”
“I’m confused,” Ruthie admitted weakly.
The officer explained that a seatbelt ticket wouldn’t go on her record and increase her insurance. “Oh,” Ruthie said. “You’re right. I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt.”

For time’s sake we shall fast forward two weeks. Our Ruthie was stopped yet again and a different officer approached her window. True to form, the stressed pharmacy student fell apart on cue, only this officer wasn’t impressed. “I’m sorry, Miss,” he said. “But I’ll have to give you a ticket. I see you weren’t wearing your seat belt either.”

Ah, ha! Ruthie saw her moment! “No, sir!” she said proudly. “I sure was not!”

Something on the officer’s face told our belle that this was the wrong answer. “I’m confused,” Ruthie admitted weakly. No doubt the officer was, too, only he recovered well enough to issue that ticket, which I suppose can be filed under what goes around comes around!

Y’all have a big day and stay out of trouble, you hear?
