God’s Social Media Rocks

I opened up a text message Jessica had sent our immediate family and literally laughed out loud at the picture of my oldest grandson Grant Thomas. It was adorable, in that “When he gets older and finds out his mother shared this picture she’s going to need witness protection” type of way. I noticed his mama had tagged on a pointed little remark. “This is just for family,” my firstborn had typed. Can you imagine why she would think that was
necessary? I mean, really.

I couldn’t help seeing that her sweet sister-in-law had responded with a funny of her own, “Yeah, it’s sad we have to clarify that.” They knew I was copied into their catty conversation. I ignored the little smiley faces and LOL’s decorating their comments and called ‘em both out.

“For what it’s worth,” I typed, “I know you two are throwing those remarks at me!”

Carey answered with an innocent sounding, “Whatever do you mean?” But it was weak, I tell you, weak. And Jessica shot back, “You?! No way, I was talking about Daddy. You know how much he loves his social media.”

Bunch of comedians…

To be honest, I sort of, kind of, resemble their remarks. Social media is fun! It can also be informative, entertaining, educational, and isolating. Whoa?! Did I say isolating? Yes, ma’am. We need to be careful that we don’t allow our online relationships to eclipse our offline lives. That goes for all of us, even (or especially) those of us who try to use it in a positive way to connect and inspire. I’m talking to myself, folks, but if the shoe fits.

I’m also celebrating another source of constant communication that has zero downside and endless benefits. Prayer, God’s version of social media—it will strengthen you, sustain you, and yield nothing but positive results. No need to limit yourself here. I’m with the Psalmist on this one, “Evening, morning, and noon I cry out…and He hears my voice!”

Why, sometimes I even tell on people— blond-headed, twenty-something funny type people.
