Cullen the Angel Boy

Hello folks, let’s chat.. Before we officially file Christmas 2014 away, I feel it’s important for us to gather up any loose stories from the season. Remember, if you don’t capture the funny, it gets away. I can’t let that happen to Cullen the Angel Boy, as seen here with my granddaughter, Carlisle Mae! It simply begs to be told.


My BFF, is an actress, set designer, director, extraordinaire. Over the years she’s written, produced and starred in skits at our home church that have become the stuff of legends. Christmas 2014 didn’t disappoint, not in the actual production, and not in the rehearsals that led up to it– which brings us to the merry moment I have in mind.

One Sunday morning leading up to the production, my husband and I found ourselves helping the talented Miss Foster teach the 3-4 year olds their own special routine. These wee ones were destined to be angels in the nativity scene. They wore long white gowns with beautiful feathered wings and each of them held a tapered candle in his or her wee hands.

Miss Foster took her place in front of the cherubs so they could practice their routine by mimicking her motions. Cue the music. As Phil and I watched, Miss Foster made a large sweeping motion to the right. The angels followed suit, sort of. Then she made a grand sweeping motion to the left, most of the angels mimicked her, except for Cullen the Angel Boy. That’s when we first noticed the gleam in his eyes. Granted, we never once considered that he was thinking to himself, “I know where I can put this candle.”

For there, directly in front of young Cullen was the backside of Miss Foster and it was all just too tempting. In the twinkle of an eye, Cullen the Angel Boy introduced Miss Foster to that candle and we have video footage to prove it.

For some of us, Christmas 2014 will forever be remembered as the year Cullen the Angel Boy added his own verse to that sweet children’s classic, “This little light of mine. It’s going where the sun don’t shine.”


  • Blanche Jackson
    January 11, 2015

    I can just hear his parents saying, “that’s my boy”. Got to love Cullen.

  • Blanche Jackson
    January 11, 2015

    I can just heR his parents sYing, “THAT’S MY BOY”. Got to love Cullen.

  • Kay Rhett
    January 10, 2015

    And what was Miss Foster’s reaction? Children are so precious! I was explaining to my music class that I couldn’t sing or talk very loud and they were going to have to listen and not talk. One of my precious 5 year old boys ran up to me, hugged me and told me that he would pray that my throat would feel better! It just made my day!!!

  • Emily Keller
    January 10, 2015

    What a great Christmas story! The true tails are always better than any story that could be made up.

  • Susan H.
    January 10, 2015

    ‘The Devil made him do it!’ Please share the video. may would win in America’s Funniest Videos.

  • Kermit Stephens
    January 4, 2015

    Oh, I must see that video. This sounds like something I might have done, had the opportunity presented itself, many, many years ago. Not now: ( see the halo?)

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