A Slight Misunderstanding at the Vet’s

My cousin tells me her vet prefers to see his patients in person, but some of the older folks in their small town are quite set in their ways. They don’t like bringing their animals in if they can get around it. They feel like they should just be able to call in with their questions. Word has it that one day the good doctor had a four-legged patient in every room of his clinic when his receptionist told him a Mr. Thrasher was on the phone.

The vet groaned, washed his hands, and went to the phone. As soon as the customary greetings were exchanged he got to the point as quickly as he could. “What seems to be the problem?” he asked Mr. Thrasher.

“It’s my old cat,” Mr. Thrasher said. “Poor thing mopes around all day like he doesn’t have any energy to speak of. What can you do fur ‘im?”

Doc switched the phone to his other ear and motioned for his assistant to check on the dog they had under anesthesia in the front room. “Sounds like he just needs a pint of castor oil, Mr. Thrasher. Why don’t you try it and then holler at me if he doesn’t improve.”

A few days later Doc was having lunch at the burger place uptown when he crossed paths with a grumpy looking Mr. Thrasher.

“Well, hello there,” the vet said. “How’s the sick calf?”

“It wasn’t a calf, it was a cat!” muttered the old farmer.

Doc cringed. “Uh, oh, you didn’t give that cat that whole pint of castor oil, did ‘ya?”

“Shore did,” the man said. “You told me to!”

At this point the vet figured he knew the answer but he had to ask, “Is he better?”

“I wouldn’t know,” Mr. Thrasher said. “Last time I saw him, he was going over the hill with five other cats. Two were diggin’, two were covering up, and two were scouting for more ground.”
